
How Much Does A LASIK Eye Surgery Cost

LASIK Eye Surgery

How much does LASIK eye surgery cost is the main concern of people who want to perform this surgery in order to improve their vision.

However, the price they will need to pay varies from a provider to another and there are many factors to consider in order to obtain a reasonable costs and a successful surgery, with lots of benefits for your eyes.

As long as you take into account the necessary aspects carefully, you should be able to handle your budget wisely and opt specifically for the most advantageous deal for your needs.

The Provider

Based on the provider you choose to perform this surgery, the overall cost of the LASIK operation can vary at a great deal from very affordable to expensive prices.

If you want to obtain the most satisfactory results and ensure the future vision of your eyes, it is important to opt for a reputable provider, which will charge you between $1200 and $2300.

However, if you do not mind that much what provider you choose, your total cost might be lower and reach approximately $1200-$1700 maximum, with an average price of $1600.


The location where you perform the LASIK surgery is very relevant in this regard, as the provider you will find in your area might demand you pretty low or pretty high amounts of money.

The LASIK surgery is not all the same in all the States, as you might encounter prices that are lower than $1500 in Michigan and Florida and prices that exceed $2000 in Washington DC.

You should expect an average price of $1700-$1900 for this surgery, as most providers will charge you lower than $2000.

The Type Of LASIK Surgery You Will Need

LASIK Eye Surgery CostThere are three main types of LASIK surgery you can opt for – laser-based surgery, wavefront guided surgery and non-customized surgery, so the range of prices varies based on surgery type you will choose.

Thus, the laser-based surgery will cost you approximately $2,159, the wavefront guided surgery will cost you $1,947 and the non-customized surgery will cost you $1,689.

Always remember that one single LASIK surgery automatically means one eye, so if you need to perform this surgery for both eyes, you have to double the actual cost.


While considering how much does LASIK eye surgery cost, you should also consider the risks you are exposed to when performing it.

Unfortunately, you will have no guarantee that the surgery will be successful and there is a high chance of encountering eventual inconveniences or surgery failure, which will result in losing your vision completely.

In this situation, you might need to perform the LASIK surgery again, so you will have to spend another $1500-$2200 in this regard.

Ophthalmological Consultations

In order to ensure that the LASIK surgery was successful, you have to consult an authorized ophthalmologist regularly, who will consult your vision constantly and track your progress.

These consultations will add another $200-$300 to the actual cost of the surgery, so you will end up spending between $2000 and $2500, apart from all the medications you will need after the surgery is complete.

Also Read >> How Much Do Breast Implants Cost

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