
How Much Does a Hysterectomy Cost?

Hysterectomy Area

Having a hysterectomy procedure raises questions such as how much does a hysterectomy cost?

Do I need a hysterectomy?

Will my insurance cover the procedure?

Further complicating the issue is the fact that this is a tough procedure that calls for removal of a woman’s reproductive organs. The removal may be either total or partial and this affects the cost.

If you have Medicare or private insurance, the out of pocket charges will be less than the total bill.

Total Cost of Hysterectomy

Depending on your insurance cover, you may only have to pay part of this amount. Unlike cosmetic procedures like teeth whitening, you will most likely be admitted into the hospital ward for such a procedure, and this means you will have to pay for the bed space or room.

If you are undergoing a total hysterectomy, these are the charges you should expect to pay if you do not have insurance.

Hysterectomy Hospital Services

The hospital charges when undergoing a hysterectomy comes to about $1,800 per day that you will have to stay in the hospital. This charge covers the administrative fees, bed, meals, and routine nursing care.

If you have insurance, they may cover you for the full hospital services charge or you may have to co-pay for bed charges that typically amount to around $200 per night.

Hysterectomy Surgeon/Physician Services

For a routine total hysterectomy procedure that will not have complications, the physician charges may come to about $2,000.

This physician charge will cover the physician’s fee for check-up, the hysterectomy procedure, and any postoperative routine care administered by the physician. This cost may rise much higher if there are complications or if repeat procedures are required.

Hysterectomy Anesthesia Services

A hysterectomy procedure is always performed under anesthesia and if it goes without hitches, the operation will last between two and three hours.

For this, there will be anesthesia charges. Typical anesthesia charges for most operations of this kind are about $500 per hour. Therefore, for a procedure that will last 3 hours the total fee charged for anesthesia may amount to approximately $1,500.

Charges for Different Types of Hysterectomy

The prices mentioned above are for a total or complete hysterectomy but do not include charges for diagnostic services such as mammograms.

A total abdominal hysterectomy involves the removal of the uterus and the cervix. It is the traditional and most common type of hysterectomy performed.

Hysterectomy Area

Hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy is a more complicated procedure that involves the removal of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, and uterus. It costs almost twice as much in physician fees and anesthesia fees compared to a total hysterectomy.

A radical hysterectomy is an even more involving procedure that results in the removal of the cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, lymph nodes, the upper vagina, and some of the surrounding tissue. This procedure costs between two and five times what a total hysterectomy costs.

A supercervical hysterectomy results in the removal of the upper part of the uterus and is also known as a partial hysterectomy. It is cheaper than the total hysterectomy especially in terms of physician fees and anesthesia fees. The hospital fees are also lower due to the reduced hospitalization time.

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