
How Much Does It Cost to Ship a Car Overseas?

Consumers who are emigrating may want to consider bringing their car with them but how much does it cost to ship a car overseas?

There are good reasons to ship a car overseas for these consumers; it is a very good model and it is cheaper than buying a car at the other end. Foreigners to another country may prefer to ship their car overseas with them to enjoy driving their own car than local models.

Factors of consideration

Shipping a car overseas can be costly depending on the factors at play. The size of the car, the shipping procedures, the destination and taxes are some of the factors that a consumer must consider before deciding to ship a car overseas.

Shipping a small car between U.S. and Europe costs around $750; however, the cost of shipping a larger vehicle like the SUV would escalate to $2,000. Shipping a standard car between U.S. and Australia would cost about $2,950.

Besides the size of the vehicle, the type of container is a real consideration in the shipping process. An ocean container is preferred to ship a vehicle from continent to continent as it provides extra space for personal items.

Hence, it is a rental of the container that would fit the car and other bulky household and personal items. A 20-foot ocean container would cost around $3,200 to house the car and other small items but a 40-foot container to ship a car overseas costs $4,600 to offer 47,500 pounds of items to be contained.

Cost to ship a car

Time Frame

Every destination charts a different time frame for a car to be shipped safely. The length of time for the shipping depends on the availability of the preferred container, ship and schedule of delivery. It could be weeks or months before the container arrives at the port of disembarkation.

There would be a host of procedures and legal matters to sort out with immigration and customs before the car can be released from the port to the owner. Different shipping companies may impose certain service fees or handling charges on shipping a car overseas. Different destinations would incur different shipping charges depending on the amount of bureaucracy required to ensure a safe and successful delivery.

Additional costs

Shipping a car overseas may cost more if the car needs to be stored at the terminal for some days waiting for the preferred container or ship to port. Shipping dock storage commences from $100 to $900 depending on the storage distance from the port.

There is also the needful shipping insurance of 1.5% to 2.5% on the car’s estimated value. Port of entry taxes of about $200 is applicable in Europe with loading/unloading charges for non-operational vehicles. Other fees in shipping a car overseas include documentations and declaration forms.

Consumers who wish to ship their car overseas should compare prices amongst established shipping agencies in town via the Internet to secure the best deal for some savings. A reliable shipping and transportation agency with a proven track record and excellent customer services is highly recommended.

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