
How Much Does a Tune Up Cost?

Tune Up

There are many people wondering how much does a car tune up cost, but unfortunately there is no fixed value in this regard.

As there are many factors to consider, the price range can vary at a great deal, based on the company, the types of services you need, your car, location, etc.

It is absolutely necessary to take into account all these factors and choose only the most advantageous and affordable deal for you, which will help you obtain a “healthy” car that will work surprisingly well.

The Company

The company you choose when tuning up your car plays a very important role when it comes to the overall cost of the services.

The prices are extremely varied and you can end up spending only $100 or even lower, if you opt for a discount or an offer provided by the company in question.

Most companies will offer you affordable prices that will not exceed $40, but there are also some companies that have higher standards and better technicians, so you should expect to spend approximately $70 for a professional tune up.

The Location

The location where you will perform the tune up is extremely important, as it is one of the factors that will decide the total cost of the service.

Car Tune Up CostWhile some States will provide you more reasonable prices between $40 and $60 (Missouri, Michigan, Alabama, Ohio, New York, California), other companies from other States will offer you costs that are higher than $70 (Washington DC, Louisiana).

Based on the State and city you live in, you will be able to obtain higher or lower prices in return for a complete tune up of your car.

Your Car

When you want to know how much does a tune up cost, it is important to consider your car, as well, because it is one of the most significant factors that will influence the price you will pay.

For newer models, like Jeep Wrangler, Chevy Impala, Toyota Prius or Ford F-Series, the price you will have to pay will successfully exceed $70, as these cars need a special revision and, therefore, the technicians will charge you more.

In case of older models, you will pay half that price, with an average of $40-$45 based on the company and location. However, if this aspect bothers you, you can always opt for a professional company that will not demand higher amounts of money just because your car is newer.

The Services You Need

A tune up of your car consists of a large variety of different services, including car battery, windshield wipers, ignition timing, spark plugs and wires, lubricants and coolants and numerous others.

Generally, a tune up service includes all these services, so you will not have to pay additional amounts of money if you opt for all of them. There are some companies that will provide you different discount packs, meaning that you will receive a tune up in return for the normal price they provide and a repair service (or any other service) for half its initial price.

You are free to choose whether those packs are advantageous for you or not, but if you consider that your car needs both of them, you will higher your expenditures with approximately $20.

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